Friday 19 December 2014

11th: Report and Research Basics

Report Functions and Types
In terms of what they do, most reports fit into two broad categories: informational reports and
analytical reports.

1) Informational Reports.
Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are primarily informational. For such reports, writers collect and organize facts, but they do not analyze the facts for readers. A trip report describing an employee’s visit to a trade show, for example, presents information. Weekly bulleted status reports distributed by e-mail to a team record the activities of each group member and are shared with supervisors. Other reports that present information without analysis involve routine operations, compliance with regulations, and company policies and procedures.

2) Analytical Reports.
Reports that provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions are analytical. If requested, writers also supply recommendations. Analytical reports may intend to persuade readers to act or change their beliefs. For example, if you were writing a yardstick report that compares several potential manufacturing locations for a new automobile plant, you might conclude by recommending one site after discussing several criteria. Alternatively, let’s say you work for a company that is considering a specific building for a women-only gym, and you are asked to study the location’s suitability. You may have to write a feasibility report, an analysis of alternatives and a recommendation, that attempts to persuade readers to accept that site. To distinguish among findings, conclusions, and recommendations, consider the example of an audit report. The auditor compiles facts and figures—the findings of the report—to meet the purpose or objective of the audit. Drawing inferences from the findings, the auditor arrives at conclusions. With the audit objectives in mind, the auditor may then propose corrective steps or actions, the recommendations.

Organizational Strategies
Like other business messages, reports may be organized directly or indirectly. The reader’s expectations and the content of a report determine its development strategy. In long reports, such as corporate annual reports, some parts may be developed directly whereas other parts are arranged indirectly.

1) Direct Strategy.
When the purpose for writing is presented close to the beginning of a report, the organizational strategy is direct. Informational reports, are usually arranged directly. They open with an introduction, which is followed by the facts and a summary. The report begins with an introduction. The facts, divided into three subtopics and identified by descriptive headings, follow. The report ends with a summary and a complimentary close.

Analytical reports may also be organized directly, especially when readers are supportive of or familiar with the topic. Many busy executives prefer this strategy because it gives them the results of the report immediately. They don’t have to spend time wading through the facts, findings, discussion, and analyses to get to the two items they are most interested in—the conclusions and recommendations. You should be aware, though, that unless readers are familiar with the topic, they may find the direct strategy confusing. Many readers prefer the indirect strategy because it seems logical and mirrors the way they solve problems.

2) Indirect Strategy.
The organizational strategy is indirect when the conclusions and recommendations, if requested, appear at the end of the report. Such reports usually begin with an introduction or description of the problem, followed by facts and interpretations from the writer. They end with conclusions and recommendations. This pattern is helpful when readers are unfamiliar with the problem. This pattern is also useful when readers must be persuaded or when they may be disappointed in or hostile toward the report’s findings. The writer is more likely to retain the reader’s interest by first explaining, justifying, and analyzing the facts and then making recommendations. This strategy also seems most rational to readers because it follows the normal thought process: problem, alternatives (facts), solution.

Source: Midge Gillies, Business Writing: The Essential Guide To Thinking And Working Smarter.

10th Week: Persuasive and Sales Messages

Persuasion is defined as the ability to use argument or discussion to influence an individual’s beliefs or actions. Parents use persuasion to cajole their kids into doing their homework. A team member uses persuasion to convince her technology-averse manager that instant messaging is an excellent tool to keep all team members informed about a project.

Successful persuasion depends largely on the reasonableness of your request, your credibility, and your ability to make the request attractive to the receiver. Many techniques can help you be effective in getting your ideas accepted by your fellow workers, superiors, and clients.
  • Establish credibility. To be persuasive, you must engender trust. People must believe that you are telling the truth, are experienced, and know what you are talking about. Most of us would not be swayed if a soccer or film star told us how to ease world tensions. If you lack credentials or experience, use testimonials, expert opinion, and research to support your position.
  • Make a reasonable, precise request. Persuasion is most effective if your request is realistic, doable, and attainable. Don’t ask for $100,000 worth of equipment when your department’s budget is $5,000. Also, be clear about your objective. In one research study, students posed as beggars and asked for money. If they asked for an unspecified amount, they received money 44 percent of the time. If they asked for a precise sum (say, $1), they received money 64 percent of the time. 4 Precise requests are more effective than vague ones.
  • Tie facts to benefits. Line up solid information to support your view. Use statistics, printed resources, examples, and analogies to help people understand. Remember, however, that information alone rarely changes attitudes. Marketers have pumped huge sums into failed advertising and public relations campaigns that provided facts alone. More important is converting those facts into benefits for the audience.
  • Recognize the power of loss. Describing the benefits of your proposal is a powerful motivator. Another powerful motivator is the thought of what the other person will lose if he or she doesn’t agree. The threat of losing something one already possesses—such as time, money, competitive advantage, profits, reputation—seems to be more likely to motivate people than the idea of gaining that very same thing.
  • Expect and overcome resistance. When proposing ideas, be prepared for resistance. This may arise in the form of conflicting beliefs, negative attitudes, apathy, skepticism, and opposing loyalties. Recognize any weakness in your proposal and be prepared to counter with well-reasoned arguments and facts.
  • Share solutions and compromise. The process of persuasion may involve being flexible and working out a solution that is acceptable to all concerned. Sharing a solution requires listening to people and developing a new position that incorporates their input. When others’ views become part of a solution, they gain a sense of ownership; they buy in and are more eager to implement the solution.
Source: Midge Gillies, Business Writing: The Essential Guide To Thinking And Working Smarter.

Monday 8 December 2014

9th Week: Electronic Messages and Digital Media

E-mail has replaced paper memos for many messages inside organizations and for some letters to external audiences. It is a standard form of communication within organizations, it will likely be your most common business communication channel. E-mails perform critical tasks such as informing employees, giving directions, outlining procedures, requesting data, supplying responses, and confirming decisions.

Much like hard-copy memos, routine e-mails generally contain four parts:
(a) an informative subject line that summarizes the message
(b) an opening that reveals the main idea immediately
(c) a body that explains and justifies the main idea
(d) a closing that presents action information, summarizes the message, or offers a closing thought. 

Remember that routine messages deliver good news or standard information.

1. Subject Line.
In e-mail messages an informative subject line is essential. It summarizes the central idea, thus providing quick identification for reading and filing. Busy readers glance at a subject line and decide when and whether to read the message. Those without subject lines are often automatically deleted. Stay away from meaningless or dangerous words. A sure way to get your message deleted or ignored is to use a one-word heading such as Issue, Problem, Important, or Help.

2. Opening.
Most e-mails cover nonsensitive information that can be handled in a straightforward manner. Begin by front loading; that is, reveal the main idea immediately. Even though the purpose of the e-mail is summarized in the subject line, that purpose should be restated—and amplified—in the first sentence.

3. Body.
The body provides more information about the reason for writing. It explains and discusses the subject logically. Good e-mails generally discuss only one topic. Limiting the topic helps the receiver
act on the subject and file it appropriately. A writer who describes a computer printer problem and also requests permission to attend a conference runs a 50 percent failure risk. The reader may respond to the printer problem but delay or forget about the conference request. Design your data for easy comprehension by using numbered lists, headings, tables, and other document design techniques.

4. Closing.
Generally conclude an e-mail with: (a) action information, dates, or deadlines; (b) a summary of the message; or (c) a closing thought. The closing is where readers look for deadlines and action language. An effective e-mail closing might be, "Please submit your report by June 15 so that we can have your data before our July planning session."

In more detailed messages, a summary of main points may be an appropriate closing. If no action request is made and a closing summary is unnecessary, you might end with a simple concluding thought (I’m glad to answer your questions or This sounds like a useful project). You don’t need to close messages to coworkers with goodwill statements such as those found in letters to customers or clients. However, some closing thought is often necessary to prevent a feeling of abruptness.

Source: Midge Gillies, Business Writing: The Essential Guide To Thinking And Working Smarter.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

6th Week: Positive & Negative Messages

Unlike academic papers, which are almost always persuasive pieces of writing, the purpose of business communication is to deliver a message, whether good or bad. As a result, you may find yourself writing positive messages, negative messages, or persuasive messages. Each of these requires a slightly different approach, all of which are detailed below.

A. Positive Writing
Positive messages are often the easiest to write because the audience is expected to be fairly receptive of the presented information, thus they tend to follow the direct pattern by stating the idea at the very beginning following with the explanation. In the explanation, writers will once again want to consider using various highlighting tools to improve readability. Writers will conclude the message courteously and with a request for action by a given date, if necessary.

While all positive writing messages follow a similar format, there are different types of positive messages:
1. Requests for Information/Action
Maintain a courteous tone, spell out what needs to be done, suggest reader benefits, and make it easy for the reader to respond. If there is a deadline, include the date in the closing to ensure that it sticks in the reader's mind.

2. Claims
Claims are letters sent with the intention of correcting something that went wrong (a common occurrence in the business world).

The format of claim letters follow the protocol of other positive messages, but because they are intended to correct mistakes, it is important to maintain a calm tone and refrain from making accusations or placing blame, and to avoid harsh language that will only impede the effectiveness of the letter and may be regretted later on.

3. Replies
Begin by telling the reader what they want to hear and avoid long, drawn out openings. If there is both good and bad news in a reply letter, always begin with the good, but refrain from misleading the reader if you're intentions don't entirely meet their expectations. For example, don't respond by saying "We think your request for donations is a great idea!" if you have no intention of actually donating.

Writers should organize the information they are providing in a clear, coherent manner followed by a courteous closing that refers back to the enclosed information.

B. Negative Writing
Negative messages are usually difficult to write because the audience is being told exactly what they don't want to hear. Negative messages most often include refusing requests and delivering bad news to a customer or to those within an organization. Certain techniques that help soften the blow of bad news are applicable to all negative messages. Remember, when writing a negative message, the audience is likely to be unreceptive so be sure to use the indirect approach.

1. Buffer the opening

Buffers are the first tool business writers use to soften the blow of the message by doing things such as presenting the best news first or complimenting the reader.

Example: Your company has my sincere admiration for the charitable effort you've put forth this holiday season.

2. Cushion the Bad News

Place the bad news strategically after the buffer and before a positive closing to lessen the impact. If the bad news is sandwiched between two positives, the reader is less likely to dwell on the negative.

3. Be Empathetic

Understand where the reader is coming from and do so sincerely. This concept is also included in the audience analysis stage of the 3X3 Writing Process, but it cannot be stressed enough.

4. Provide Reasons

When people are receiving bad news, they want to know why. By providing logical, clear reasons for the negative news, readers are more likely to be agreeable and understanding of the situation.

5. Avoid Negative Words

Choose words carefully to avoid losing the reader's attention and receptivity. Negative words only add to overall negativity of the message, so use positive language that focuses on reader benefits.

Words to avoid include: cannot, regret, reject, fail, mistake, impossible, and the like.

6. Close Pleasantly

The closing serves as the writer's last chance to leave the reader with a positive thought. It's appropriate to promote goodwill by looking ahead toward a brighter future, to offer an alternative option if one exists, to provide the reader with promotional information, or simply to close by wishing the reader well.

C. Persuasive Writing

Persuasion is a critical tool one should master to achieve professional success in the business world, but it is also one of the more challenging. Whether writers are aiming to persuade customers, potential donors, or those working within the same corporation, they will want to focus their attention on four main things:

1. Grabbing the Reader's Attention

Engage the reader quickly and at the beginning so they are immediately interested. A few ways of doing this are to use a startling statistic, an intriguing story, or by telling the reader how they will benefit and what they can gain.

2. Building and Maintaining Reader Interest

Readers can easily disregard letters when they are being asked to do something, so it is essential that writers know how to not only grab the reader's attention, but how to maintain their interest. Keep the reader invested in what they are reading by providing examples that make any requests sound reasonable, appeal to reader emotions, or emphasize indirect benefits the reader may receive such as feeling good about themselves. Writers ultimately want to provide the reader with incentives to do as they ask.

3. Reducing Reader Resistance

Be prepared for readers to be reluctant and to ask questions. Anticipate this reaction by presenting counter-arguments to whatever objections the reader might raise and as always, stress the benefits and focus on the positive.

4. Motivating the Reader to Act

Encourage the reader to respond or act by a certain time. Writers will want to sound confident that they have achieved their goals without sounding arrogant or pushy.

Source: Midge Gillies, Business Writing: The Essential Guide To Thinking And Working Smarter.

Thursday 16 October 2014

4th Week: Planning Business Messages

In planning a business messages, It’s important that what you write is clear, concise and conveys the right message. Ultimately, you need to make sure what you say gets to the point. 

A) Put your main point first – always put your important message in the first paragraph. If you waffle and mention the important part at the end, people will already have lost interest.

B) Use plain English – use the simplest language you can. Simple = clear and easy to understand. 

C) Avoid jargon and buzzwords – don’t assume people understand your jargon. All industries develop jargon and abbreviations over time. But your customers won’t have a clue. Explain things clearly and simply. And try to avoid business cliches like ‘thinking outside the box’ or ‘blue-sky thinking’. They make you sound old-fashioned and overly corporate.

D) Avoid too many long sentences – keep sentences short and to the point. Three short sentences are much better than one long, hard-to-read sentence. And vary the length of sentences. Like this. It can really create a much better impact for what you’re saying.

E) Simplify long emails – when writing a long email, try to keep emails to less than 500 words. If you absolutely have to write a long email, outline the main points as bullets at the start of the email.

When you are preparing an e-mail message, memo, letter, or oral presentation, the process will be easier if you follow a systematic plan. The 3-x-3 writing process breaks the entire task into three phases: prewriting, writing, and revising.

01. Prewriting
The first phase of the writing process prepares you to write. It involves analyzing the audience and your purpose for writing. The audience for your letter will be other franchise owners, some highly educated and others not. Your purpose in writing is to convince them that a change in policy would improve customer service. You are convinced that a singleline system, such as that used in banks, would reduce chaos and make customers happier because they would not have to worry about where they are in line.

Prewriting also involves anticipating how your audience will react to your message. You are sure that some of the other owners will agree with you, but others might fear that customers seeing a long single line might go elsewhere. In adapting your message to the audience, you try to think of the right words and the right tone that will win approval.

02. Writing
The second phase involves researching, organizing, and then composing the message. In researching information for this letter, you would probably investigate other kinds of businesses that use single lines for customers. You might check out your competitors. You might do some calling to see whether other franchise owners are concerned about chaotic lines. Before writing to the entire group, you might brainstorm with a few owners to see what ideas they have for solving the problem. Once you have collected enough information, you would focus on organizing your letter.

The final step in the second phase of the writing process is actually composing the letter. Naturally, you will do it at your computer so that you can revise easily.

03. Revising
The third phase of the process involves revising, proofreading, and evaluating your letter. After writing the first draft, you will spend a lot of time revising the message for clarity, conciseness, tone, and readability. Could parts of it be rearranged to make your point more effectively? This is the time when you look for ways to improve the organization and tone of your message. Next, you will spend time proofreading carefully to ensure correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format. The final phase involves evaluating your message to decide whether it accomplishes your goal.

Source: Marry Ellen Guffey & Dana Loewy, Business Communication Process & Product, 7th Edition

Tuesday 14 October 2014

3rd Week: Intercultural Communication at Work

Although it is best to speak a foreign language fluently, many of us lack that skill. Fortunately, global business transactions are increasingly conducted in English. English has become the language of technology, the language of movies, and the language to know in global business even for traditionally non-English-speaking countries. English is dominant in business. However, the level of proficiency may be limited among nonnative speakers of English. Americans abroad make a big mistake in thinking that people who speak English always understand what is being said. Comprehension can be fairly superficial. The following suggestions are helpful for situations in which one or both communicators may be using English as a second language.

01. Learn foreign phrases.
In conversations, even when English is used, foreign nationals appreciate it when you learn greetings and a few phrases in their language.

02. Use simple English.
Speak in short sentences (under 20 words) with familiar short words. For example, use old rather than obsolete and rich rather than luxurious or sumptuous. Eliminate puns, sports and military references, slang, and jargon (special business terms). Be especially alert to idiomatic expressions that can’t be translated, such as burn the midnight oil and under the weather .

03. Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.
Avoid fast speech, but don’t raise your voice. Overpunctuate with pauses and full stops. Always write numbers for all to see.

04. Observe eye messages.
Be alert to a glazed expression or wandering eyes, these could tell you that the listener is lost.

05. Encourage accurate feedback.
Ask probing questions, and encourage the listener to paraphrase what you say. Do not assume that a yes, a nod, or a smile indicates comprehension.

06. Check frequently for comprehension.
Avoid waiting until you finish a long explanation to request feedback. Instead, make one point at a time, pausing to check for comprehension. Make sure the listener understand what you have said before proceeding.

07. Accept blame.
If a misunderstanding results, be open to accept the blame for not making your meaning clear.

08. Listen without interrupting.
Hold your desire to finish sentences or to fill out ideas for the speaker.

09. Smile when appropriate. 
Smile is the single most understood and most useful form of communication in either personal or business transactions. In some cultures, however, excessive smiling may seem insincere.

10. Follow up in writing.
After conversations or oral negotiations, confirm the results and agreements with follow-up letters. For proposals and contracts, engage a translator to prepare copies in the local language.

Source: Marry Ellen Guffey & Dana Loewy, Business Communication Process & Product, 7th Edition

2nd Week: Professionalism: Team, Meeting, Nonverbal Communications and Listening

In business communication, most people think to be able to communicate well is the most important of all. However, there is one more aspect that people usually ignore, which is the ability to listen well to the others. By listening other patiently and earnestly, we then would earn respect from others, and others would be gladly to listen to us.

Here are several advice on developing listening skills:
01. Control internal and external distractions
Try to focus on the speaker, ignore any noise that could disturb your concentration.

02. Become actively involved
Show that you are listening closely by leaning forward and maintaining eye contact with the speaker. Don’t fidget or try to complete another task at the same time you are listening.

03. Separate facts from opinions
Listeners must evaluate assertions to decide their validity. Good listeners consider whether speakers are credible and speaking within their areas of competence. They do not automatically accept assertions as facts.

04. Identify important facts
Speakers on the job often intersperse critical information with casual conversation. As listener, your task is to select what’s important and register it mentally.

05. Avoid interrupting
Do not interrupt with a quick reply or opinion. Don’t show nonverbal disagreement such as negative head shaking, rolling eyes, sarcastic snorting, or audible sighs. Good listeners let speakers have their say. Interruptions are not only impolite, but they also prevent you from hearing the speaker’s complete thought. Listeners who interrupt with their opinions sidetrack discussions and cause hard feelings.

06. Ask clarifying questions
Good listeners wait for the proper moment and then ask questions that do not attack the speaker. Use open questions to draw out feelings, motivations, ideas, and suggestions. Use closed fact-finding questions to identify key factors in a discussion.

07. Paraphrase to increase understanding
Rephrase and summarize a message in your own words. Be objective and nonjudgmental.

08. Capitalize on lag time
While you are waiting for a speaker’s next idea, use the time to review what the speaker is saying. Separate the central idea, key points, and details. Sometimes you may have to supply the organization. Use lag time to silently rephrase and summarize the speaker’s message.

09. Take note to ensure retention
Try to take notes of the important key points as you listen to the speakers. Make sure to keep that note in a good place. Having a small note is better than remembering all the time.

10. Be aware of gender differences
Men tend to listen for facts, whereas women tend to perceive listening as an opportunity to connect with the other person on a personal level. Men tend to use interrupting behavior to control conversations, while women generally interrupt to communicate assent, to elaborate on an idea of another group member, or to participate in the topic of conversation. Women listeners tend to be attentive, provide steady eye contact, remain stationary, and nod their heads. Male listeners are less attentive, provide sporadic eye contact, and move around. Being aware of these tendencies will make
you a more sensitive and knowledgeable listener.

Source: Marry Ellen Guffey & Dana Loewy, Business Communication Process & Product, 7th Edition

1st Week: Goal

My goal after I graduated from BINUS is to develop a company that give service of consultation for foreign company that want to build relation with national company. Since a kind license is needed for a foreign company to make such relation, this company I plan for will take care of any necessary requirement to lighten the negotiation process between two parties, including the required license I mention before.

Not only for company. I also plan to make this kind of business could be useful for foreign students and college students. Such as providing a residence with strategic position for their school or university, and friendly price for them to stay, transportation for them if the need it. Also a tour service for people who want to visit various places in Indonesia.